I Let You Go was not at all what I expected. I read it because I enjoyed Clare MacKintosh’s talk during a virtual writer’s retreat hosted by The Shit No One Tells You About Writing podcast, and comments from other readers at the retreat, particularly about her twists.
I am using her editing method for my completed first draft now and it’s been incredibly helpful! Now, back to the book review…
I was told there was a huge twist and they weren’t wrong. I kept trying to guess what it might be and maybe got in the ball-park, but in left field by inches. However, you do have to hang with the main characters a bit after the inciting incident. While the book is well-written and the characters compelling, there were times I may have stopped reading as I was expecting a thriller pace all the way through, but mostly because I sometimes have the patience of a knat. However, the book lives up to its thriller category the moment that twist happens. So, stick with it and enjoy the ride.
I have to say, there is a third POV character introduced later in the book that I loved hating. I feel like MacKintosh NAILED this guy’s self-important internal dialogue flawlessly. I regret that I have known a similar man in my life and enjoyed reading how well she pegged him and how she wraps up the story.