As most of you already know, I'm working on a trilogy which just might take the rest of my life at this point! But I'm loving every minute of it. Because of my entrepreneurial spirit, I had planned to be what the industry calls an indie... also known as a self-publishing author. But, after numerous Masterclasses, I've decided to find an agent when I'm ready. (MUST try Masterclass.com - totally worth it.) I try to balance my research with how to improve my writing and how to prepare for the business of being an author. I don't have all the answers... or let's face it hardly ANY of the answers... but these people do! Check them out! (And no, I'm too new to have earned any affiliate $ from these fabulous people (haven't even asked) so this is all based on my opinion alone.)
First, Try Masterclass.com The teachers are authors you've all read and they are not only amazing with fabulous ideas, but they're a great way to get yourself in the mood to write when you're having one of THOSE days.
Try this article from EDUchoices: 50 Best Websites for Writers: http://educhoices.org/articles/50_of_the_Best_Websites_for_Writers.html

The Creative Penn with Joanna Penn is mostly about self-publishing but she does cover some "how to write better" articles as well. She covers everything from SEO, email marketing, Amazon, conferences, and tons more. She also has great novels and authors books that are on my too long must read list.
Writing Excuses is hosted by three to four regularly published authors plus usually an additional guest. This podcast is only about 15-20 minutes so great for a quick commute or while putting away the dishes (if you don't make your teenager do it like I do.) They break down all aspects of writing from character to settings to dialogue. You can check out their years of lessons and search by topic here. http://www.writingexcuses.com/
Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert
This podcast is raw, funny and inspiring to all artists, but mostly geared towards women. If that name sounds familiar but you can't place it, she wrote Eat, Pray, Love. She also wrote a great new book called Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. I highly recommend the book, but this podcast can be listened to without reading the book. Perfect when you need a break, inspiration and especially if you feel stuck. https://www.elizabethgilbert.com/magic-lessons/
This American Life and Story Corps
These two podcasts are not specifically for authors. However, they have great and diverse stories from all walks of life that will teach you something, help you connect with the world in a new way and hear all types of viewpoints. To be a good writer, you must love stories. Here's a way to sneak in a few extras when you don't have time or the ability to read or listen to a complete novel. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/ and https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510200/storycorps

I have a ton of blogs and books I've used over the years. Of course, I haven't kept up with the list so this is what I've most recently read and am reading.

Untamed by: Glennon Doyle
Whether you agree with every opinion in this book or not, there is so much practical wisdom inside, it should be required reading for all parents.
It is not a parenting book, but it the nuggets and "wow, I never thought about it that way" moments will help you "untame" yourself from all kinds of bindings we don't even see anymore.
Women: Un-tame and raised untamed children.
Men: "I wish I could just read a book that explains why women do things and how to be a good partner." Welp, here it is guys. Don't worry, there are plenty of laughs and mostly stories so don't let the "advice book" thing scare you away.

The Thesaurus Collection by: Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi
They have several titles that are all wonderful such as The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Psychological Trauma and The Rural Setting Thesaurus etc. They are all available on Amazon and not too expensive, especially if you order the kindle version. I'm impatiently working my way through five of them right now. Every chapter makes me want to write and gives me deeper insight on huge as well as subtle ways to improve my novel. here's their site: http://writershelpingwriters.net/ Here's an amazon link to one: Emotional Wound Thesaurus

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
I already mentioned this above in the podcast section... but in case you skipped that part. This book helps you focus and inspires you to get back in the game if you are in a creative slump. Its funny and full of great tips and inspiration. Find it at amazon: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear You'll be sad when its over, so catch the podcast on itunes (or anywhere you podcast) for free.
There are SO many more I need to add to this blog, but this will get you started. Several of the above websites have complete "How To" book collections as well as templates, and other great resources. So check them out!