
Hi! I'm Harper
If you tried to tell my ten-year-old self she’d love the opportunity to read books all day and write her own novel she would’ve laughed and asked if she could go back outside and play now, while hoping you didn’t notice she hadn’t brushed her hair or bothered with shoes.
The little stubborn, adventurous girl drove me through many adventures, defeats and lessons that have added up to a woman who is writing a novel where women take their lives into their own hands for good and bad, because why can’t women be both villain and hero?
Over a decade ago I started my own massage company because as a single-mom I was tired of managers expecting me to put their company before my daughter’s play performances and milestones. I now employee several other powerful women who love healing and needed a manager who trusts them to work hard while understanding the importance of putting their families first.
I started a podcast, The Bat Shit Show, with my daughter and hope to resume it when my novel is polished and ready for submissions. I love being active and traveling when money and time allow. If I’m not writing or taking classes on writing, you’ll find me walking our rescue pitbull mutt, Bucky, having drinks with my artistic daughter or trying out local music venues with my hubby.
If I’ve learned one thing in this life, its never to turn down knowledge from those who have gone before, while also trusting your intuition as everyone’s perspective and journey is different.
Harper is my pen name and this is a space for me to share my writing experiences, the lessons I learned during my single-mom journey, travel tips, and book reviews.